Results of the irrigated new varieties and strains test at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, TX, 2001.

Table 29. Results of the irrigated new varieties and strains test at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, TX, 2001.
Agronomic Properties % Open
% Turnout % Lint Boll Seed Lint Seed Per Bolls Storm
Designation Yield Lint Seed Picked Pulled Size Index Index Boll 10-01-01 Resistance
FiberMax 966 1241 25.4 41.7 36.7 27.4 5.5 12.6 7.7 26.4 53 2.6
PhytoGen 98m-2983 1131 22.6 37.0 37.1 27.7 4.8 10.7 6.8 26.3 52 2.6
PhytoGen 98m-3196 1090 23.3 37.3 36.8 28.6 4.9 10.9 6.6 27.6 59 2.6
MAR-280K-1-98 1037 22.3 40.5 34.9 25.1 4.6 11.7 6.0 27.0 48 2.9
Stoneville 8TBX 117 1032 23.6 39.1 35.7 25.4 4.4 11.0 6.3 24.6 47 3.1
AFDX 2040 995 21.8 39.2 34.7 26.0 5.2 10.6 5.9 30.6 44 2.7
MAR-50B-1-99 932 21.2 35.8 36.7 24.9 4.8 11.9 6.8 25.7 53 2.6
AFDX 2041 931 20.5 37.7 34.4 26.4 5.1 11.5 6.3 27.9 51 2.9
Stoneville 8TBX 096 929 21.6 36.3 35.2 25.6 4.9 11.6 6.7 25.8 49 2.8
FiberMax 0102 921 24.2 38.5 35.2 26.7 5.7 12.6 7.5 27.0 45 3.0
MAR-53B-2-99 890 21.7 33.7 35.8 24.0 5.3 13.2 7.3 26.4 51 2.7
Tamcot Sphinx V 885 20.8 38.6 33.2 22.7 4.7 12.6 6.7 23.2 38 2.7
MAR-283-L-1-98 883 20.7 39.0 34.3 25.0 5.3 11.8 6.4 28.2 51 2.7
MAR-54G-2-99 868 19.6 36.5 33.1 23.6 5.7 10.8 5.6 33.1 61 2.6
All-Tex Atlas 863 21.5 34.8 31.1 23.2 5.6 13.0 6.3 27.6 51 2.9
Stoneville 8TBX 123 855 22.3 36.2 35.4 23.9 4.5 12.0 6.8 23.3 59 2.9
Paymaster 183 721 20.8 36.3 35.2 26.6 4.7 11.0 6.1 26.9 49 3.9
Mean 957 21.1 37.8 35.2 25.5 5.0 11.8 6.6 27.0 51 2.8
C.V.% 6.3 5.8 3.7 3.4 4.6 4.8 3.2 4.5 5.5 19.4 4.7
LSD 0.05 71 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.0 0.4 0.6 0.5 2.6 12 0.2
Table 29A. Results of the irrigated new varieties and strains test at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, TX, 2001.
Designation Micro-
Length Uni-
Strength Elon-
Rd +b Color
FiberMax 966 4.2 1.20 83.0 34.1 4.8 1 78.9 7.6 31-1
PhytoGen 98m-2983 4.8 1.16 82.6 27.8 7.5 2 75.4 9.4 21-4,31-4
PhytoGen 98m-3196 4.6 1.17 82.8 29.5 7.8 1 75.6 9.8 21-4,31-3
MAR-280K-1-98 4.9 1.10 82.3 28.9 7.4 1 77.1 8.5 31-1,31-3
Stoneville 8TBX 117 4.9 1.10 82.0 28.5 7.3 1 76.3 8.8 31-1,31-4
AFDX 2040 4.1 1.18 82.6 29.1 8.7 1 78.0 8.1 31-1,31-2
MAR-50B-1-99 4.8 1.11 82.4 28.5 7.2 3 74.9 7.5 41-1
AFDX 2041 4.8 1.15 82.6 27.9 9.7 1 77.1 8.6 21-2,31-4
Stoneville 8TBX 096 4.7 1.14 83.1 30.1 7.0 1 77.4 9.4 21-3,21-4
FiberMax 0102 4.5 1.10 82.4 29.9 6.4 2 75.5 7.9 31-2,41-1
MAR-53B-2-99 4.9 1.09 82.0 31.0 6.9 2 74.3 8.0 31-4,41-2
Tamcot Sphinx V 5.1 1.16 83.6 30.9 6.7 2 75.9 7.8 31-2,41-1
MAR-283-L-1-98 4.8 1.14 83.1 30.5 6.4 3 73.3 8.1 41-1,41-4
MAR-54G-2-99 4.9 1.16 82.4 31.5 6.2 2 77.0 8.0 31-1,31-2
All-Tex Atlas 4.9 1.12 82.0 28.6 8.6 1 77.7 8.5 31-1,31-3
Stoneville 8TBX 123 5.0 1.11 83.2 31.1 6.6 1 76.6 9.2 31-1,31-3
Paymaster 183 5.4 1.02 82.2 27.3 7.2 1 76.8 9.2 21-4,31-3
Mean 4.7 1.12 82.6 29.7 7.3 76.3 8.5
C.V.% 4.3 1.7 1.2 2.4 3.7 1.7 5.5
LSD 0.05 0.4 0.03 1.7 1.2 0.5 2.2 0.5

1/  Fiber quality determinations are made on samples from two reps. If the color grades from these two samples are identical, only one color grade is reported. If they are different, both are reported.

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