Table 8. Economic Results From the Muleshoe Systems Project, 2000.

Variety Commercial Bur cotton Lint Seed Seed Lint loan Lint Seed Total Ginning Systems Net
turnout yield yield yield value value value value cost cost value
% lb/acre lb/acre lb/acre lb/bale $/lb $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre
FM 819 26.35 4463 1176 1764 720 0.4651 546.99 88.19 635.18 66.95 67.09 501.14 a
PM 2326RR 24.10 4694 1131 1889 801 0.4492 508.16 94.42 602.59 70.41 47.97 484.20 ab
DP 2156RR 26.07 4728 1233 1848 720 0.4016 495.00 92.41 587.41 70.92 47.77 468.72 bc
PM 2145RR 26.01 4822 1254 1960 750 0.3815 478.42 97.99 576.41 72.32 47.77 456.32 c
PM2280BG/RR 23.26 5165 1201 2071 828 0.4155 499.20 103.56 602.77 77.48 76.29 449.00 c
PM 2200RR 23.40 4956 1160 1989 823 0.4012 465.28 99.44 564.72 74.34 47.77 442.61 cd
PM 280 22.81 4777 1090 1931 851 0.4169 454.25 96.54 550.79 71.66 60.39 418.75 de
DP 215B 25.15 4626 1163 1690 697 0.4205 489.28 84.53 573.81 69.40 86.79 417.62 de
DP 2156 24.37 4553 1110 1687 730 0.4136 458.88 84.34 543.21 68.29 60.39 414.53 e
ST BXN 16 25.17 4825 1214 1821 720 0.3880 471.23 91.05 562.28 72.38 80.98 408.92 e
ST X9904RR 25.67 4340 1114 1671 720 0.3603 401.42 83.55 484.97 65.10 48.39 371.48 f
All-Tex XpressRR 23.31 4158 969 1432 709 0.3862 374.29 71.59 445.88 62.36 47.99 335.53 g
LSD 0.05  — 251 63 98  —  — 25.01 4.92 29.91 3.77  — 26.15
CV, %  — 3.2 3.2 3.2  —  — 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.2  — 3.6
Means within a column with the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.
LSD – least significant difference, NS – not significant.
Note: some columns may not add up due to rounding error.
$1.50/cwt ginning cost (bagging, ties, and checkoff not included).
$100/ton for seed.
Value for lint based on CCC loan value from commercially ginned bales and USDA-AMS classing office results.

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