Systems Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Transgenic and
Conventional Varieties in the Texas High Plains
February, 2001
Dr. Randy Boman, Extension Agronomist-Cotton
Mr. Mark Kelley, Extension Assistant-Cotton
Mr. Alan Helm, Extension Assistant-Cotton
Texas Agricultural Extension Service
Lubbock, TX
High Weed Control Input Site
Dr. Bill Lyle Farm, Ralls (Crosby County)
Strip-tillage following sorghum
Irrigation: LEPA, circular rows
Plot Size: 8 40-inch rows/plot
Area: Variable (1.0 to 2.5 Acres/Plot), 3 replications of each variety
Planted: May 8, 2000 at 14 lb seed/Acre
Harvest aid program: September 27 – 3 pt/acre CottonQuik + 6 oz/acre Ginstar (no follow-up Cyclone
application was required)
Harvested: October 11-19, 2000 (before significant weathering occurred)
Blanket Herbicide Program: $47.10/acre
Dominant weed species: pigweed, silverleaf nightshade, volunteer peanut, groundcherry, volunteer and ratoon sorghum
The area was strip-tilled following sorghum. Treflan at 1.5 pt/acre was incorporated on a 50% band (top of the bed). Roundup Ultra was applied at 1 qt/acre applied at planting to terminate existing weeds and volunteer sorghum. Due to incomplete ratoon sorghum control, an additional 24 oz/acre of Roundup Ultra was applied on May 11. Hot, dry, and dusty conditions resulted in poor control of sorghum with Roundup Ultra. Therefore, an additional application of 12 oz/acre Fusion plus 1% COC was applied on May 31 to complete termination of the ratoon sorghum. The total cost of the blanket herbicide program was $47.10/acre (Table 2).
Specific herbicide systems costs included:
BXN and conventional varieties: 1 qt/acre of Cotoran 4L was applied on May 11.
Roundup Ready varieties: 1 qt/acre Roundup Ultra + 17 lb Strike Zone/100 gallons of spray on June 9.
BXN variety: 1 pt/acre Buctril + 0.5% COC on June 10.
Post-directed application on Roundup Ready varieties: 1.5 pt/acre Roundup Ultra plus 1.5 pt/acre Direx on July 21.
Post-directed application on BXN and conventional varieties: 1.5 pt/acre Direx on July 21.
Pix: 12 oz/acre applied to BXN 47 on August 3
Non-Roundup Ready varieties were cultivated one time. Roundup Ready varieties were not cultivated. Hoe costs were $6.60, $6.60, and $20.00 per acre for Roundup Ready, BXN, and conventional herbicide systems, respectively.
No insecticides were applied to the project due to lack of economic infestation levels. This location was not in an active boll weevil eradication zone.
Varieties planted at this site included:
1. Paymaster HS 26
2. Paymaster 2326RR
3. Paymaster 2326BG/RR
4. Paymaster 280
5. Paymaster 2200RR
6. Paymaster 2280BG/RR
7. Stoneville 4892BR
8. Stoneville BXN 47
9. FiberMax 989