Table 13. Production information for irrigated performance test at Lamesa, Donald Love Farm, 1999.
Test: Cotton Variety
Planting date: May 12
Row spacing: 40-in
Planting pattern: Solid
Herbicide: Treflan @ 1 pt/A applied pre-plant
Fertilizer: 90-0-0 lbs/A applied through the season by drip irrigation
Irrigations: 0.25 acre-in applied every other day from July 1 through September 15
Insecticide: Boll Weevil Eradication Program applied Fyfanon ULV on August 16, September 7, 14, 21, 28, October 5, 14, and 19
Harvest aids: Cyclone @ 1 gal/30A + Def @ 1 pt/A on October 15
Harvest date: November 3
Freeze date: November 24