Table 1. Yield and economic parameters for the 2001 fertility trial, Eddie Helms Farm, Donley County, TX.

Treatment Bur cotton Lint Seed Lint to seed Lint Seed Lint Lint Seed Total Fertilizer Gin Net
yield turnout turnout yield yield loan value value value value cost cost value
lb/acre percent percent ratio lb/acre lb/acre $/lb $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre
70-0-0 2820 29.3 52.4 0.56 824 1478 0.4813 393.91 62.81 456.72 19.31 43.71 393.70 a
70-30-0 2870 29.1 51.0 0.57 832 1465 0.4725 393.41 62.25 455.66 26.70 44.48 384.48 ab
35-30-0 2550 29.5 52.2 0.57 752 1329 0.4838 363.96 56.47 420.44 15.09 39.52 365.83 ab
35-0-0 2334 29.5 53.3 0.55 688 1242 0.4832 331.33 52.79 384.12 11.69 36.18 336.25 bc
check 2091 29.6 51.7 0.57 620 1080 0.4785 296.53 45.91 342.43 0.00 32.42 310.02 c
CV, % 9.0 2.4 1.8 2.8 9.7 8.2 6.5 9.2 8.3 8.8 —– 9.0 9.4
OSL 0.0142 0.8781 0.1320 0.4980 0.0290 0.0102 0.9904 0.0263 0.0103 0.0200 —– 0.0142 0.0766
LSD 0.10 347 NS NS NS 109 165 NS 49.58 7.02 54.95 —– 5.37 51.12
For net value/acre, means within a column with the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.
CV – coefficient of variation
OSL – observed significance level.
LSD – least significant difference at 10% level, NS – not significant.
Note: some columns may not add up due to rounding error
$1.55/cwt ginning cost (bagging, ties and checkoff not included).
$85/ton for seed.
Value for lint based on CCC loan value for HVI analysis of grab samples submitted to the Texas Tech University International Textile Center.

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