Dryland Cotton Variety Tests – Performance Data – Lamesa (AG-CARES)

Table 32. Results of the dryland regional variety test at the AG-CARES farm, Lamesa, TX, 1999.
Agronomic Properties % Open
% Turnout % Lint Boll Seed Lint Seed Per Bolls Storm
Designation Yield Lint Seed Picked Pulled Size Index Index Boll 9-21-99 Resistance
Phytogen 952 417 23.8 39.1 39.7 29.3 3.6 8.5 5.8 24.5 64 2.2
Phytogen HS 12 395 25.4 44.9 35.7 25.6 3.0 8.3 4.8 22.8 66 2.2
Tamcot Pyramid 392 26.3 42.3 40.4 29.1 3.8 8.8 5.9 25.5 97 2.5
Phytogen 355 380 24.1 41.8 38.2 27.0 3.7 9.1 6.0 23.2 53 2.2
Deltapine 2156 366 26.3 44.9 35.6 25.8 4.0 9.9 5.8 24.5 58 2.7
Stoneville LA 887 363 24.8 39.3 38.1 27.0 4.3 9.8 6.4 25.8 64 2.3
Paymaster 1560 BG/RR 358 25.9 42.3 38.4 27.6 4.0 8.4 5.6 27.3 68 2.6
Phytogen 556 354 25.8 40.8 39.1 28.5 4.1 8.8 5.9 27.5 33 2.6
All-Tex Excess 342 24.3 43.3 35.0 25.8 3.9 9.9 5.8 23.7 74 3.3
Deltapine 2379 339 24.6 43.8 33.8 23.9 3.8 9.3 5.1 25.4 87 2.7
Seedco 9272 337 22.5 41.5 36.1 25.9 4.0 9.4 5.4 26.8 74 2.8
Deltapine NuCotn 33B 334 25.5 44.7 35.3 24.8 3.4 8.1 4.7 25.6 75 2.7
Tamcot Sphinx 334 25.1 43.3 35.9 25.0 3.5 9.0 5.4 23.2 94 2.6
Jackson Heritage 216 333 24.1 45.0 32.8 22.1 3.8 9.6 5.1 24.5 88 2.9
Paymaster 1560 BG 332 24.6 40.1 39.1 27.4 3.6 8.9 6.1 23.2 70 2.6
Gowan 144-D4 330 23.3 44.4 35.3 24.3 3.5 9.1 5.3 23.3 81 2.3
Paymaster 2326 RR 329 24.3 43.7 34.9 24.9 3.8 9.3 5.4 24.8 83 2.9
Acala Maxxa 326 22.5 41.7 33.4 24.6 3.7 9.2 5.1 24.6 67 2.7
Paymaster 2280 BG/RR 323 22.9 43.0 34.0 25.6 4.6 9.5 5.0 30.7 89 3.2
AFD mD3131 321 23.3 40.5 34.5 24.2 4.8 11.5 6.3 26.2 69 3.0
Paymaster 1218 BG/RR 321 27.4 41.4 40.0 29.3 3.9 9.1 6.4 24.3 81 2.6
Phytogen GA 161 315 23.9 42.9 35.3 23.4 3.3 9.3 5.2 22.1 59 2.1
Suregrow 747 313 25.3 40.0 37.6 25.8 3.5 8.5 5.5 23.8 85 2.3
Paymaster 330 313 23.7 43.3 35.2 24.7 3.6 9.4 5.5 22.8 93 3.0
Phytogen 636 309 23.8 43.6 36.4 26.2 3.6 9.1 5.4 24.4 76 2.4
% Open
% Turnout % Lint Boll Seed Lint Seed Per Bolls Storm
Designation Yield Lint Seed Picked Pulled Size Index Index Boll 9-21-99 Resistance
Tamcot Luxor 303 25.4 45.0 36.7 25.0 4.3 9.0 5.7 27.4 84 2.5
Paymaster 2320 RR 298 23.6 43.3 34.1 25.0 3.7 9.9 5.5 23.2 79 2.7
Stoneville 474 297 23.7 41.9 36.7 25.7 3.2 8.7 5.5 21.0 82 2.5
Stoneville BXN 47 294 24.0 39.2 37.5 26.2 3.2 8.3 5.2 23.0 87 2.3
Paymaster 145 293 24.6 42.9 35.8 25.4 3.7 9.8 5.9 22.3 98 3.5
Bronco 324 291 23.0 44.1 33.5 23.5 4.3 10.4 5.5 25.7 75 2.9
Phytogen 569 290 24.3 40.6 39.1 28.2 3.5 8.4 5.5 24.8 82 2.3
Paymaster 2200 RR 289 23.7 43.2 34.5 24.9 3.9 9.3 5.0 27.1 99 3.2
AFD Explorer 288 23.3 43.4 35.0 24.4 3.7 9.3 5.4 23.9 85 3.0
Paymaster 2330 RR 286 23.1 44.8 34.9 25.1 3.5 9.1 5.0 23.9 83 2.9
Seedco 9148 285 22.7 43.5 34.8 24.8 4.0 9.7 5.3 26.2 94 2.8
Paymaster 2326 BG/RR 276 24.2 45.0 34.5 25.4 3.7 8.9 4.9 26.1 91 3.0
Paymaster 2145 RR 271 25.4 41.1 35.7 25.9 4.0 9.3 5.6 25.5 86 3.3
Seedco 9119 271 23.4 43.6 34.8 25.0 3.9 9.7 5.4 25.5 89 2.7
Seedco 9023 270 23.5 44.2 34.4 24.5 3.6 9.6 5.3 23.0 92 2.8
Paymaster 183 270 23.8 43.4 33.9 23.6 4.2 9.3 4.9 28.5 98 3.4
All-Tex Atlas 265 24.3 41.1 37.9 25.2 3.7 10.2 6.9 20.2 66 2.8
Paymaster Tejas 263 24.0 42.8 34.0 24.1 3.8 9.5 5.3 24.5 87 3.0
Paymaster 1220 BG/RR 251 24.2 41.9 37.8 27.2 3.7 9.8 6.3 22.3 93 2.5
Paymaster PMX 99-501 242 20.0 46.8 30.8 20.7 3.7 10.9 5.1 22.3 70 3.1
Gowan 608-D4 240 19.3 38.8 32.3 22.5 4.2 11.3 5.7 23.8 82 2.5
FiberMax 819 236 24.2 39.6 35.2 23.2 3.3 8.6 5.1 22.7 80 2.3
Gowan 156-D4 230 22.3 41.8 34.3 23.2 3.7 9.6 5.3 23.6 60 2.5
Mean 310 24.0 42.6 35.7 25.2 3.8 9.3 5.5 24.4 79 2.7
C.V.% 21.6 5.2 5.1 3.1 5.3 10.4 5.0 7.2 8.2 20.8 7.0
LSD 0.05 78 1.5 2.6 1.3 1.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 2.4 19 0.2
Table 32A. Results of the dryland regional cotton variety test at the AG-CARES farm, Lamesa, Texas, 1999.
Micro- Uni- Elon- Leaf Color
Designation naire Length formity Strength gation Index Rd +b Grade1/
Phytogen 952 4.4 1.03 81.7 26.7 5.8 1 76.4 9.5 21-4,31-3
Phytogen HS 12 4.4 1.08 82.8 27.7 5.9 1 76.9 8.9 31-1,31-3
Tamcot Pyramid 4.3 0.98 81.3 24.5 4.8 1 77.1 9.0 21-4,31-3
Phytogen 355 4.8 1.05 83.6 29.7 6.5 1 76.0 9.1 31-1,31-3
Deltapine 2156 5.1 0.99 81.7 26.3 4.9 1 77.3 9.2 21-4
Stoneville LA 887 4.3 1.06 81.6 28.4 5.1 1 75.5 9.1 31-3,31-4
Paymaster 1560 BG/RR 4.2 1.04 81.2 27.2 5.3 1 75.3 8.9 31-3,31-4
Phytogen 556 4.2 1.06 81.1 28.6 5.5 1 75.0 9.7 31-3
All-Tex Excess 4.0 1.01 81.7 25.8 5.2 1 76.6 8.7 31-1,31-4
Deltapine 2379 4.4 1.02 80.7 28.4 5.7 1 78.1 8.8 21-2,31-1
Seedco 9272 4.0 1.02 81.4 26.7 5.1 1 76.9 8.9 21-4,31-2
Deltapine NuCotn 33B 4.0 1.05 80.8 28.0 5.3 1 77.9 8.6 21-2,31-1
Tamcot Sphinx 4.5 1.03 82.6 29.6 5.2 1 77.1 8.9 21-4,31-1
Jackson Heritage 216 4.0 1.04 81.8 28.7 5.4 1 78.2 8.6 31-1,21-2
Paymaster 1560 BG 3.9 1.06 82.1 30.5 5.3 1 78.3 8.9 21-2,21-4
Gowan 144-D4 3.8 1.04 81.7 27.8 5.7 1 77.3 8.8 21-4,31-1
Paymaster 2326 RR 4.5 1.02 82.9 29.2 5.7 1 77.2 8.6 31-1,31-3
Acala Maxxa 4.2 1.01 82.1 29.2 5.7 1 77.5 8.5 31-1
Paymaster 2280 BG/RR 4.1 1.04 81.8 28.5 5.1 1 77.3 8.9 31-1,31-3
AFD mD3131 3.9 1.02 81.2 28.2 5.5 1 77.4 9.2 21-1,31-3
Paymaster 1218 BG/RR 4.8 1.00 82.4 26.3 5.2 1 77.9 9.5 21-3,21-4
Phytogen GA 161 4.0 1.11 81.6 30.6 5.5 1 78.6 8.8 21-2
Suregrow 747 4.2 1.03 81.0 25.2 6.3 1 77.2 9.8 21-3
Paymaster 330 4.0 0.98 81.3 28.3 5.6 1 77.7 8.7 31-1
Phytogen 636 3.8 1.03 81.6 28.0 5.2 1 78.9 8.8 21-2
Micro- Uni- Elon- Leaf Color
Designation naire Length formity Strength gation Index Rd +b Grade1/
Tamcot Luxor 4.2 1.01 81.4 25.9 4.9 1 77.3 9.0 21-2,31-3
Paymaster 2320 RR 4.3 1.02 82.4 29.7 6.0 1 76.8 8.7 31-1,31-3
Stoneville 474 4.1 1.01 80.3 27.8 5.1 1 76.9 9.1 21-1,31-3
Stoneville BXN 47 4.5 1.04 82.4 24.9 4.8 1 74.9 9.5 31-3
Paymaster 145 4.0 0.99 80.5 25.1 4.9 1 76.5 8.3 31-2
Bronco 324 3.9 1.01 80.4 27.4 5.4 1 78.4 8.9 21-2,21-4
Phytogen 569 4.2 1.02 81.5 30.2 5.3 1 75.7 9.2 31-3,31-4
Paymaster 2200 RR 4.0 0.99 81.0 25.0 4.7 1 76.6 9.2 21-3,31-4
AFD Explorer 4.3 1.04 82.3 29.2 5.4 1 77.2 8.5 31-1,31-3
Paymaster 2330 RR 3.8 0.98 81.2 28.0 6.1 1 78.2 8.7 21-2,31-1
Seedco 9148 3.5 1.03 81.2 26.0 4.9 1 77.9 8.3 31-1
Paymaster 2326 BG/RR 3.9 0.99 81.1 26.9 5.4 1 78.5 8.9 21-2
Paymaster 2145 RR 4.4 0.96 81.5 26.5 5.1 1 76.8 8.6 31-1
Seedco 9119 4.2 1.01 80.2 27.5 5.3 1 78.0 9.0 21-2,21-4
Seedco 9023 3.8 1.04 81.5 28.4 5.3 1 78.5 8.7 21-2,31-1
Paymaster 183 4.6 0.92 80.8 24.4 4.6 1 77.0 9.8 21-3,21-4
All-Tex Atlas 4.1 1.07 81.6 30.4 5.6 1 76.5 8.9 31-3,31-4
Paymaster Tejas 4.8 0.99 82.5 28.4 5.4 1 77.1 8.6 31-1,31-4
Paymaster 1220 BG/RR 4.1 1.02 80.8 26.2 5.2 1 78.0 9.0 21-2,21-4
Paymaster PMX 99-501 3.7 1.08 81.5 31.1 4.8 1 78.8 8.7 21-2
Gowan 608-D4 3.8 1.06 81.1 29.8 5.2 1 77.4 9.0 21-4,31-3
FiberMax 819 4.2 1.08 82.3 29.3 4.7 1 77.8 8.3 31-1
Gowan 156-D4 3.8 1.05 80.1 28.6 5.5 1 77.1 9.0 31-3
Mean 4.1 1.02 81.5 27.8 5.3 1 77.2 8.9
C.V.% 7.3 2.1 1.2 5.5 7.2 0 1.5 2.6
LSD 0.05 0.5 0.04 1.7 2.6 0.6 0 1.9 0.4
1/ Fiber quality determinations were made on samples from two reps. If the color grade from these two samples were identical, only one color grade is reported. If they were different, both are reported.

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