Dryland Spacing Tests – Production Information – Halfway

Table 52 . Production information for dryland performance test at the Halfway Experiment Station, 1999.



Test: Spacing Study

Planting date: May 19

Row spacing: 40-in

Planting pattern: Solid

Herbicide: Treflan @ 1.25 pt/A applied pre-plant

Fertilizer: 40-0-0 lbs/A applied June 28

Rainfall: April – October, 15.4 inches

Insecticide: Temik @ 2.4 lbs/A at planting

Vydate @ 8 oz/A on July 7 and 13 for boll weevils

Bidrin @ 5.4 oz/A on July 27 for aphids

Harvest aids: Cotton Quik @ 3 pt/A + Ginstar @ 3 oz/A on October 25

Cyclone @ 1 pt/A on November 2

Harvest date: November 7


Freeze date: November 24

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