Irrigated Cotton Variety Tests – Yield Summary – Tulia

Table 3. Yield summary of the irrigated cotton variety test at Tulia, Texas, 1999.
Designation 1996 1997 1998 1999 Average Comp. Average*
Four Year Average
AFD Rocket 1344 905 702 550 875
All-Tex Excess 1375 1085 850 665 994
Deltapine 2156 1511 1035 828 650 1005
Paymaster 183 1476 775 658 690 900
Seedco 9023 1304 825 729 1304 1041
Tamcot Sphinx 1220 875 830 610 884
Three Year Average
All-Tex Atlas 1282 1065 652 1000 1000
Paymaster 2200 RR 1150 877 860 962 1096
Paymaster 2326 RR 1240 726 920 962 1096
Paymaster Tejas 975 752 772 833 967
*Patterson, R.E. 1950. A method of adjustment for calculating comparable yields in variety tests.Agron. J. 42:509-511.

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