Dryland Commercial Sorghum Variety Trial at AG-CARES, Lamesa, TX, 2000


Dryland Commercial Sorghum Variety Trial at AG-CARES, Lamesa, TX, 2000


Calvin Trostle & Jim Barber, Sorghum PROFIT, TAEX-Lubbock; John Farris, CEA-Dawson Co.; Danny Carmichael, TAES-Lubbock. c-trostle@tamu.edu, (806) 746-6101


Soil Type:            Amarillo fine sandy loam

Planting:              June 14, 2000 on 40” rows

Previous Crop:   Sorghum

Seeding Rate:      ~32,000 seeds/acre with vacuum planter (about 2.0 to 2.3 lbs./acre)

Plot Set-up:         Two strips per variety, approximately 800’ long

Harvest Area:     Drought loss on all hybrids

Fertilizer:             None

Herbicide:           ?

Insecticide:          None

Rainfall:               See Lamesa area summary elsewhere in the AG-CARES report

Date Harvested: None

Number of Entries:22


In spite of excellent soil moisture at planting no significant grain yield was achieved in 2000 due to the severe drought. All hybrids are all medium-early to medium in maturity and were chosen to minimize duplication of genetic lines sold under different commercial names. For best indications of sorghum yields varieties should be tested over several years at more than one location.

General observations in 2000 for the AGCARES region suggest that even a single rain in late July or August would have produced grain yield provided that recommended seeding rates of 30,000-35,000 seeds/acre were followed. Too often, dryland sorghum seeding rates are too high, and higher plant population sorghum crops cannot handle drought stress as well and will underyield lower plant population sorghum crops, often substantially.

As plant populations were roughly similar a measure of potential drought tolerance may be achieved by noting the degree of heading noted in the table below.

For a three-year grain yield history of most of these sorghum hybrids at AGCARES, see the 1999 Dawson County/AGCARES report.

Table 1. 2000 AG-CARES Commercial Sorghum Variety Trial.

Hybrid Company Maturity Grain
Seneca Asgrow Med Early Bronze Purple 2.0
611Y Cargill Med Early Yellow Tan 1.5
627 Cargill Medium Bronze Purple 2.0
697 Cargill Medium Bronze Purple 2.0
737 Cargill Med Long Red Purple 1.5
DK40Y Dekalb Medium Yellow Purple 2.5
DK41Y Dekalb Med Long Yellow Purple 2.5
DK44 Dekalb Medium Bronze Purple 2.0
F-501E Frontier Medium Red Red 2.5
1506 Mycogen Medium Bonze Purple 1.5
Y363 NC+ Med Early Yellow Purple 2.0
6C21 NC+ Med Early Crème Purple 2.5
6C69 NC+ Med Early Crème Purple 2.0
KS 524 Novartis Medium Bronze Purple 2.5
KS 585 Novartis Medium Bronze Purple 2.0
K59-Y2 Novartis Medium Crème Purple 1.5
85G85 Pioneer Medium Bronze Red 2.0
84G62 Pioneer Med Long Bronze Red 2.0
8505 Pioneer Medium Red Red 2.5
333 Production Plus Med Long Crème Purple 2.5
Jowar-1 Richardson Medium White Tan 1.5
RS250E Richardson Med Early Red Purple 2.0
9200Y Richardson Medium Yellow Purple 2.5

*Heading ratings: 1=0% (not headed), 2=1-25%, 3=26-50%, 4=51-75%, and 5=>75%

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