Use of aerial infrared photography to predict root-knot nematode density at AG-CARES, Lamesa, TX, 2000.
Terry Wheeler and Harold Kaufman, Associate Professor and Extension Plant Pathology
Protocol: An aerial image was taken of the AGCARES circle on 4 August, 2000. This image was analyzed with ARCVIEW software to obtain the intensity of the reflectance of light off the plants for the near-infrared (NIR), red, and green bands of light. AGCARES was intensively sampled for root-knot nematode on 14 November and root-knot nematode density was correlated to the intensity of reflection for each band and band combination pattern.
Results: Root-knot nematode density was correlated with reflectance from the image for conventional and conservation tillage cotton. Root-knot density was not correlated with reflectance from the narrow row cotton at AGCARES.