Cotton Variety Tests – Irrigated – Yield Summary – Lubbock

Table 9. Yield summary of the irrigated regional cotton variety test at Lubbock, 2000.
Designation 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Average Comp. Average*
Five Year Average
Acala Maxxa 563 174 594 662 587 516
AFD Explorer 838 434 824 804 680 716
All-Tex Atlas 838 319 833 737 676 681
All-Tex Excess 665 571 842 852 804 747
Deltapine 2156 917 478 847 786 746 755
Deltapine 2379 908 280 916 844 821 754
Paymaster 330 924 324 966 927 698 768
Paymaster Tejas 925 379 1100 737 795 787
Seedco 9023 681 394 686 733 786 656
Tamcot Sphinx 569 425 695 892 830 682
Four Year Average
Paymaster 2200 RR 367 929 821 693 703 722
Paymaster 2326 RR 345 879 790 693 677 696
*Patterson, R.E. 1950. A method of adjustment for calculating comparable yields in variety tests. Agron. J. 42:509-511.

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