Results of the dryland cotton variety test at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, TX, 2001.

Table 20. Results of the dryland cotton variety test at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, TX, 2001.
Agronomic Properties % Open
% Turnout % Lint Boll Seed Lint Seed Per Bolls Storm
Designation Yield Lint Seed Picked Pulled Size Index Index Boll 9-18-01 Resistance
Deltapine NuCOTN 33B 287 27.1 43.8 37.2 28.8 2.9 7.2 4.6 23.3 70 2.7
All-Tex Excess 278 28.3 43.0 38.6 28.7 3.4 9.0 6.3 20.7 93 3.1
Syngenta NK 2387c 268 29.1 40.5 36.6 27.6 3.0 8.8 6.0 18.5 88 2.8
Paymaster 2145 RR 258 29.2 42.7 37.6 28.7 3.3 8.5 5.8 21.3 80 3.1
All-Tex Atlas 252 26.6 43.4 34.3 25.0 3.3 8.8 5.2 21.4 87 3.1
FiberMax X5024 239 26.9 41.8 33.8 24.5 3.0 8.0 4.7 21.2 84 3.7
FiberMax 958 237 28.4 40.3 38.2 28.7 3.6 9.2 6.4 21.5 74 3.3
FiberMax 5017 237 27.9 41.5 37.5 27.5 3.6 9.5 6.4 21.4 75 2.5
Suregrow 747 236 26.1 40.8 41.0 30.7 3.3 8.2 6.2 21.7 78 2.5
Seedco 9023 234 27.2 44.5 36.0 26.8 3.7 9.5 5.8 23.0 85 2.8
Syngenta NK 2165c 223 30.6 43.9 40.6 29.8 3.0 8.5 6.2 19.2 62 2.9
Paymaster Tejas 222 27.1 42.3 35.6 25.2 3.3 8.3 5.2 22.9 83 3.0
Paymaster 330 221 28.0 42.7 38.2 27.6 2.8 8.4 5.7 18.7 94 2.8
FiberMax 819 220 27.4 40.1 39.5 29.2 2.6 7.7 5.7 17.7 71 2.8
FiberMax 5013 216 25.4 41.5 33.7 24.0 3.0 9.3 5.5 18.3 83 2.6
FiberMax 5015 214 26.8 40.8 36.7 26.3 3.5 9.2 6.6 21.4 92 2.5
Deltapine 2156 212 27.3 43.1 34.9 25.8 3.7 9.5 5.7 22.4 85 2.4
All-Tex Excess Plus 209 24.1 42.2 34.3 24.6 3.6 10.3 6.1 20.4 73 2.9
PhytoGen 355 206 26.1 40.2 36.6 27.5 2.7 7.6 5.1 19.4 88 2.3
Paymaster 2326 RR 204 26.3 42.6 37.8 27.1 3.1 8.5 5.7 20.6 77 3.1
Stoneville 3539BR 193 28.0 42.6 36.1 27.5 3.4 8.7 5.5 21.9 66 2.9
Stoneville 2454R 188 26.4 40.1 37.9 28.2 3.8 9.4 6.3 22.9 72 2.7
Tamcot Luxor 175 24.7 35.8 36.9 25.7 3.1 8.5 5.7 19.7 93 2.4
Stoneville 474 170 26.5 38.2 37.8 28.0 2.6 7.8 5.5 17.7 83 2.3
Agripro 1500 RR 162 26.2 39.1 35.8 27.8 2.6 7.0 4.6 19.7 85 2.1
Tamcot Pyramid 154 27.5 40.7 37.1 27.9 2.8 8.5 5.6 18.7 91 2.3
Tamcot Sphinx 150 25.6 39.5 36.4 25.0 2.4 8.3 5.5 15.4 89 2.4
Acala Maxxa 128 25.0 33.8 39.7 26.8 2.9 7.9 5.9 19.6 79 2.5
Mean 214 27.0 41.1 37.0 27.2 3.1 8.6 5.7 20.4 81 2.7
C.V.% 21.3 4.3 3.6 3.8 4.3 7.7 5.8 7.9 7.5 15.5 10.5
LSD 0.05 54 2.0 2.5 2.4 2.0 0.4 0.8 0.8 2.6 15 0.3
Table 20A. Results of the dryland cotton variety test at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, TX, 2001.
Designation Micro-
Length Uni-
Strength Elon-
Rd +b Color
Deltapine NuCOTN 33B 4.2 1.01 79.9 26.2 6.9 1 79.6 8.1 21-2,31-1
All-Tex Excess 5.1 0.98 78.9 26.3 6.0 2 74.9 8.2 31-4,41-1
Syngenta NK 2387c 4.9 0.99 79.5 27.5 7.1 1 77.3 8.9 31-1,41-3
Paymaster 2145 RR 5.0 0.96 80.0 26.3 6.2 2 76.1 8.5 31-1,31-4
All-Tex Atlas 4.9 0.98 81.1 29.7 7.7 2 75.0 8.8 31-3,41-3
FiberMax X5024 4.8 0.96 79.2 27.8 6.6 1 76.2 8.9 31-1,31-3
FiberMax 958 4.8 1.07 79.9 29.4 4.5 2 78.1 8.2 31-1
FiberMax 5017 5.3 1.00 81.3 29.0 7.2 1 77.7 8.5 31-1
Suregrow 747 5.5 0.99 81.1 24.0 8.7 1 76.6 9.4 21-4,31-3
Seedco 9023 5.1 1.00 81.7 28.4 7.3 1 76.4 8.7 31-1,31-4
Syngenta NK 2165c 4.9 0.98 79.5 26.7 6.6 1 78.5 8.8 21-2,31-3
Paymaster Tejas 5.0 0.96 81.0 26.8 7.7 2 75.1 8.5 31-1,41-3
Paymaster 330 5.1 0.95 79.1 27.8 7.6 2 75.9 8.9 31-3,31-4
FiberMax 819 4.3 1.07 81.3 30.6 5.2 2 77.4 8.1 31-1,31-2
FiberMax 5013 5.0 1.01 80.8 28.1 6.8 2 74.8 8.1 31-2,41-3
FiberMax 5015 5.2 0.98 80.7 29.4 7.6 2 73.7 8.7 41-3
Deltapine 2156 5.1 0.94 80.6 24.5 6.2 2 74.6 9.2 31-3,31-4
All-Tex Excess Plus 4.9 1.04 82.7 31.2 7.2 2 74.1 8.3 41-1,41-3
PhytoGen 355 4.7 1.00 81.9 27.6 8.1 2 72.5 8.8 41-3
Paymaster 2326 RR 4.7 1.00 82.0 29.1 6.9 1 76.6 9.1 21-2,31-4
Stoneville 3539BR 4.8 1.00 81.6 30.6 6.2 1 77.3 8.8 21-4,31-1
Stoneville 2454R 5.0 1.01 82.6 28.2 6.5 1 76.8 9.2 31-3
Tamcot Luxor 4.6 1.00 81.2 28.3 6.1 2 73.8 8.6 31-4
Stoneville 474 4.5 1.03 81.0 27.2 6.4 2 75.1 8.9 31-3,31-4
Agripro 1500 RR 4.4 1.01 80.7 28.3 6.5 1 77.3 8.8 21-2,31-3
Tamcot Pyramid 4.9 0.99 81.4 29.8 5.8 1 75.0 9.0 31-3
Tamcot Sphinx 4.9 1.00 81.2 29.7 5.8 2 73.3 8.8 31-4,41-3
Acala Maxxa 4.2 1.08 81.7 31.6 5.4 1 76.5 8.9 31-1,31-3
Mean 4.8 1.00 80.8 28.2 6.7 75.9 8.7
C.V.% 5.7 1.5 0.8 2.8 3.7 1.2 2.6
LSD 0.05 0.5 0.03 1.1 1.4 0.4 1.6 0.4

1/  Fiber quality determinations are made on samples from two reps. If the color grades from these two samples are identical, only one color grade is reported. If they are different, both are reported.

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