Table 1. Agronomic results from the Farwell LintPlus large plot replicated project, 2001. | |||||||||||
Treatment | Commercial turnout |
Bur cotton yield |
Lint yield |
Seed yield |
Lint loan value |
Lint value |
Seed value |
Total value |
Ginning cost |
Chemical cost |
Net value |
% | lb/acre | lb/acre | lb/acre | $/lb | $/acre | $/acre | $/acre | $/acre | $/acre | $/acre | |
1. LintPlus 20 oz/acre at 10% open bolls followed by Cyclone Max 18 oz/acre |
30.83 | 4218 b | 1300 c | 1701 c | 0.4591 | 597.06 b | 85.07 c | 682.13 c | 69.60 b | 21.38 | 591.15 b |
2. LintPlus 20 oz/acre at 30% open bolls followed by Cyclone Max 18 oz/acre |
30.43 | 4369 ab | 1329 c | 1922 ab | 0.4580 | 608.99 b | 96.12 ab | 705.12 c | 72.10 ab | 21.38 | 611.64 b |
3. Cyclone Max 20 oz/acre at 70% open bolls | 30.59 | 4606 a | 1409 ab | 1869 b | 0.4684 | 660.01 a | 93.49 b | 753.50 ab | 76.00 a | 10.20 | 667.30 a |
4. Prep 1.33 pt/acre plus Def 1 pt/acre at 50% open bolls followed by Cyclone Max 18 oz/acre |
32.45 | 4363 b | 1415 a | 2026 a | 0.4658 | 659.51 a | 101.32 a | 760.83 a | 71.99 b | 29.50 | 659.36 a |
5. LintPlus 20 oz/acre at 30% open bolls followed by Leafless 8 oz/acre followed by Cyclone Max 18 oz/acre |
31.36 | 4276 b | 1341 bc | 1905 ab | 0.4597 | 616.48 b | 95.27 ab | 711.74 bc | 70.56 b | 34.13 | 607.06 b |
LSD 0.05 | — | 238* | 73* | 126 | — | 41.89 | 6.29 | 48.17 | 3.93* | — | 43.30 |
CV, % | — | 3.6 | 3.5 | 3.6 | — | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.6 | — | 3.7 |
Means within a column with the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. * Denotes significance at the 0.10 probability level. LSD – least significant difference, NS – not significant. |
Note: some columns may not add up due to rounding error. | |||||||||||
Assumes: $1.65/cwt ginning cost (bagging, ties, and checkoff not included). $100/ton for seed. Value for lint based on CCC loan value from commercially ginned bales and USDA-AMS classing office results. Net value assumes value of lint plus seed minus commercial ginning and suggested retail chemical costs. |
Chemical costs assumed: LintPlus 20 oz/acre at $7.80. Prep $7.25/pint. Def/Folex $6.25/pint. Cyclone Max $5.00/pint. Leafless $17.50/pint. $4.00/acre for ground application. |