Muleshoe, Parmer County

Systems Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Transgenic and

Conventional Varieties in the Texas High Plains

February, 2001

Dr. Randy Boman, Extension Agronomist-Cotton

Mr. Mark Kelley, Extension Assistant-Cotton

Mr. Alan Helm, Extension Assistant-Cotton

Texas Agricultural Extension Service

Lubbock, TX

Medium Weed Control Input Site

James Brown Farm, Muleshoe (Parmer County)

Clean tillage following corn

Irrigation: low elevation spray, straight rows

Plot size: 10 30-inch rows/plot

Area: Variable (0.7 to 1.5 Acres/Plot), 3 replications of each variety

Planted: May 10, 2000 at 20 lb seed/Acre

Harvest aid program: September 30 – 1 pt/acre Prep + 1 pt/acre Def followed by 32 oz/acre Cyclone on

October 10

Harvested: November 15-16, 2000 (after significant weathering due to rainfall occurred).

Blanket Herbicide Program: $28.80/acre

Dominant weed species: pigweed, kochia, johnsongrass, cocklebur, volunteer corn

The whole field was treated with 2 pt/acre of Treflan preplant incorporated. An additional 1 pt/acre of Direx (diuron) was broadcast at planting. One post-directed application of 1 qt/acre Bladex + 1 qt/acre MSMA + 1 qt/acre crop oil concentrate (COC) was applied across all varieties. The total cost of the blanket herbicide program was $28.80/acre (Table 1).


Specific herbicide systems costs included:

BXN variety: 1 pt/acre Buctril + 0.5% COC at 10 GPA on June 7.

Roundup Ready varieties: 1 qt/acre Roundup Ultra + 17 lb of StrikeZone per 100 gallons of spray solution, applied in 10 GPA on June 8.

All non-Roundup Ready Varieties: 12 oz/acre Fusion + 1% v/v COC at 10 GPA on June 20.

Three cultivations were conducted on non-Roundup Ready varieties, and Roundup Ready types were cultivated two times. Hoe costs were $3.05, $13.91, and $13.91 per acre for Roundup Ready, BXN, and conventional herbicide systems, respectively.

Lepidopterous insect pressure at this site was moderate, and the project was oversprayed three times for beet armyworm control. This location was in an active boll weevil eradication zone.

Varieties planted at this site included:

1. Paymaster 2145RR

2. Paymaster 2326RR

3. Paymaster 2156RR

4. Paymaster 2200RR

5. Paymaster 2280BG/RR

6. All-Tex Xpress RR

7. Stoneville X9904RR (2454R)

8. Stoneville BXN 16

9. Fiber Max 819

10. Paymaster 280

11. Deltapine 215B

12. Deltapine 2156

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