- 2010 Annual Weed Research Report (PDF)
- 2009 Annual Weed Research Report (PDF)
- 2008 Annual Weed Research Report (PDF)
- Control of Ivyleaf Morningglory in GlyTol Plus LiberyLink Cotton (PDF)
- Control of Paler amaranth in Glytol + LibertyLink Cotton (PDF)
- Control of Volunteer Roundup Ready Flex Cotton with Postemergence Herbicides (PDF)
- Cotton Tolerence and Weed Management with Sharpen (PDF)
- Palmer amaranth Management in Glytol + LibertyLink Cotton (PDF)
- Palmer Amaranth Management in Texas High Plains Cotton (PDF)
- Preplant Burndown and In-Season Sharpen Use in Cotton (PDF)
- Preplant Burndown, Weed Management and Cotton Response to Saflufenacil (PDF)
- Weed Control in Sorghum with Kixor herbicides (Sharpen and Integrity) (PDF)
- Cotton Tolerance and Weed Management with Sharpen (PDF)
- Economic Comparison of Commercial Scale Stripper and Picker Harvest Systems in Texas South Plains (PDF)
- Palmer Amaranth Management in GlyTol + LiberyLink Cotton (PDF)
- Pre and Postemergence Weed Management in Cotton with Reflex (PDF)
- Preplant Burndown and In-Season Sharpen Use in Cotton (PDF)
- Weed Management and Sorghum Response with Saflufenacil (PDF)
- Efficacy and Economics of Glufosinate-Tolerant Cotton (PDF)
- Tolerance and Economics of Spanish Peanut to Soil-Applied Cotton Herbicides after Crop Failure (PDF)
- Effects of Clarity, Distinct, and 2,4-D on Cotton Growth and Yield (PDF)
- Weed Competition and Management in Roundup Ready Flex Cotton (PDF)
- Effects of 2,4-D Timings and Rates on Cotton Growth and Yield (PDF)
- Influence of Clarity, Distinct, or 2,4-D Applied Preplant on Cotton (PDF)
- Effects of Roundup Drift on Non-Roundup Ready Cotton (PDF)
- Application Timings and Rates in Roundup Ready Flex Cotton (PDF)
- Cotton Growth and Yield as Influenced by Clarity, Distinct, or 2,4-D (PDF)
- What will be our Future Weed Management Options? (PDF)
- Characterization of the Thermal Dependence of Bioengineered Glufosinate Resistance in Cotton (PDF)
- Cotton Weed Management Systems with Ignite (PDF)
- Weed Management and Thermal Dependence of Resistance in Glufosinate Tolerant Cotton (PDF)
- Staple use in Liberty- and Roundup-Tolerant Cotton (PDF)
- Tolerance and Weed Management in Roundup Ready Flex Cotton (HTML)
- Compare Weed Control Systems in Glyphosate-Tolerant Cotton using Mechanical Cultivation (HTML)
- Non-Glyphosate Tolerant Cotton Response to Simulated Drift Rates of Glyphosate (HTML)
- 2001 Leaf Necrosis Problems in Drip-Irrigated Cotton Fields. (HTML, .JPG)
- Tolerance and Weed Control in Glufosinate-Tolerant Cotton. 2002 (PDF)
- Light-Activated Hooded Sprayer: A Two-Year Evaluation in High Plains Cotton. 2002 (PDF)
- Liberty Tolerant Cotton: Weed Control and Crop Tolerance. 2002 (PDF)
- Conventional Cotton Response to Low Rates of Glyphosate. 2002 (PDF)
- Weed Control in Roundup Ready Cotton with Residual Herbicides. 2002 (PDF)
- Cotton Response to Soil Applied Cadre and Pursuit. 2002 (PDF)
- Southwest Cotton Harvest Aid Performance and Narrow Row Options. 2001 (PDF)
- Cotton HADSS: A Two-year Validation on the Texas Southern High Plains. 2001 (PDF)
- Roundup Ultra/Residual Herbicide Tank Mix Combinations in Roundup Ready Cotton. 2001 (PDF)
- Ivyleaf Morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea (L) Jacq.) Management in Roundup Ready Cotton. 2001 (PDF)
- Long-term Woolyleaf Bursage (Ambrosia grayi) Management in Roundup Ready Cotton 2001 (PDF)
- Weed Management Systems in Glufosinate Tolerant Cotton. 2001 (PDF)
- Comparison of Roundup Ultra applied with Standard and Light-activated Hooded Sprayers. 2001 (PDF)