- Use of Spectroradiometers to Guide In-season Nitrogen Fertilizer Applications in Irrigated Cotton in West Texas (PDF)
- Use of the Chlorophyll Meter to Guide In-season Nitrogen Fertilizer Applications in Irrigated Cotton (PDF)
- Nitrogen Fertilization Considerations for High Plains Cotton (PDF)
- Managing Nitrogen Fertilization in Cotton (PDF)
- Nutrient Management for Texas High Plains Cotton Production (PDF)
- Nutrient Management of Subsurface Drip Irrigated Cotton (PDF)
- Cotton Root Disorder Guide
- 2001 Leaf Necrosis Problems in Drip-Irrigated Cotton Fields. (HTML, .JPG)
- Nitrogen Response in Cotton as Affected by Tillage System and Irrigation Level (Abstract) (HTML)
- Irrigated Cotton Lint Yields as Affected by Phosphorus Fertilizer and Landscape Position (Abstract) (HTML)
- Effects of Foliar Fertilization of Texas Southern High Plains Cotton: Leaf Nitrogen and Growth Parameters. (HTML)
- Variable-rate Phosphorus Fertilizer Applications for Irrigated Cotton in the Southern High Plains, K.Bronson, 2000. (PDF)
- Testing of Precision Agriculture Technologies in Irrigated Cotton at AG-CARES, Lamesa, Texas, 2000. (PDF)
- Nutrient Management of Conservation-Till Cotton in Terminated-Wheat, K. Bronson, 2000 (PDF)
- Donley County – Replicated Cotton Soil Fertility Project
AgriLife Today
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