- Managing Herbicide Resistance in Cotton Cropping Systems (PDF)
- Cotton Root Disorder Guide
- 2001 Leaf Necrosis Problems in Drip-Irrigated Cotton Fields. (HTML, .JPG)
- Southwest Cotton Harvest Aid Performance and Narrow Row Options. (PDF)
- Cotton HADSS: A Two-year Validation on the Texas Southern High Plains. (PDF)
- Roundup Ultra/Residual Herbicide Tank Mix Combinations in Roundup Ready Cotton. (PDF)
- Ivyleaf Morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea (L) Jacq.) Management in Roundup Ready Cotton.(PDF)
- Long-term Woolyleaf Bursage (Ambrosia grayi) Management in Roundup Ready Cotton (PDF)
- Weed Management Systems in Glufosinate Tolerant Cotton. (PDF)
- Comparison of Roundup Ultra applied with Standard and Light-activated Hooded Sprayers. (PDF)
- Suggestions for Weed Control in Cotton. P. Baumann (PDF)
- Palmer Amaranth: Big Cotton Competitor. P. Baumann (PDF)
AgriLife Today
- COWGIRL honors former Texas A&M Department of Animal Science student
- Texas A&M rangeland science expert Kreuter retires
- Virologist sees collaborative opportunity at Texas A&M Department of Entomology
- Tips for documenting wildfire-related agricultural losses
- Ecoinformatics researcher advances conservation science